Virginia Point
United Methodist Church
Established 1837
The oldest Methodist church in the North Texas Conference.

                            Rev. Louella Williams, Pastor

Sunday School – 10:00 am
Sunday Services – 11:00 am

                                     1386 CR 1200                                        
                            Savoy, Texas  75479                              
Virginia Point United Methodist Church opens its doors to anyone who        wishes to enter.  It is an historic church committed to preserving the heritage     of the community and serving as a traditional house of worship for the future.

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Louella K. Twining Williams
Denison, Texas


Pastor-Virginia Point United Methodist Church, Savoy, Texas - January 2008-Present
Sherman McKinney District
North Texas Conference

President/CEO-Texoma Educators Federal Credit Union - 1974-Present (Concurrent)
Denison City Employees - Manager - 1970-1974


United Methodist Church (Through Perkins, SMU) Course of Study School - Graduate 2016
United Methodist Church - Licensing School - 2006
North Texas University - Southwest Cuna Management School - Graduate 1995
Southeastern Oklahoma State University - MAS - 1992
Southeastern Oklahoma State University - BS - 1987

Committees and Affiliations:

Wesley Village and Meadows (Assisted Living) - Board Member
Texas Tech Prep - Board Chair - 1998-Current
Texas Credit Union Leagues Legislative and Regulatory Advisory Council - 1998-2004
Trinity United Methodist Church Member - 1964-Present
Volunteer - Trinity United Methodist Church, Finance Chair, DiscipleCourses and Sunday               School Instructor
Grandparents as Parents North Texas - Advisory Chair - 1994-Present
Texoma Chapter of Credit Unions
March of Dimes
Grayson County Retail Merchants
Junior Achievement


Birthplace:  London, England
Married, three sons, seven grandchildren
Louella Williams' Biography
(Click name for bio)